Monday, April 8, 2019

American democracy defending itself?

"The irony is that the Barr cover-up somehow managed to reveal the one thing every American needs to know. That the dreamland of a working democratic system - in a landscape populated by an empowered, truth-seeking Congress, honest judges, and investigative reporting that can change public opinion - died a long, long time ago. Knowing that is both terrifying and empowering. Because the real, radical work of waking up can finally begin." - Will Bunch, William Barr’s Mueller cover-up reveals America’s delusional dreamland about democracy Philadelphia Inquirer 04/08/2019

No democratic system, no matter how good the Constitution or how Montesquiean the balance of powers may be, is invulnerable to be undermined, as long as enough people want to do away with it and enough other people are indifferent to it.

Digby Parton makes the grim but accurate observation (It depends on what the meaning of "really bad" is Hullabaloo 04/07/2019):
We already know that [Trump is] the most immoral, unethical, corrupt president in history. And we also know that the government has determined that the only thing that can be done about that is to impeach him.

Now it's a matter of whether or not the US Congress, charged with reining in such an unfit despot has the political will to do it. With the Republicans having a majority in the Senate, and acting like followers of Jim Jones and the People's Temple, it look as if removing him that way will be impossible. (I'm for doing it anyway and letting the Republicans run on defending him but I think I'm in a minority.)
But the most recent Democratic President knows what the problem is: Democrats are too unwilling to compromise! (Amy Russo, Obama Fears Progressives Are Too Obsessed With 'Purity' Yahoo! News 04/06/2019)

But Resistance Leader Nancy Pelosi might be willing to consider impeachment as long as she has overwhelming Bipartisan support in Congress before she starts the process. Because otherwise it would be divisive, and stuff.

One major party in the US hates democracy. The other is apparently unwilling to fight for it. It's hard to say a Happy Ending is imminent.

But it's also worth noting that there are some counter-indications, as Lucian Truscott IV reports in Democrats grow a spine Salon 04/06/2019. "Democrats took back the House of Representatives for a reason: the first two years of the Trump administration saw the Republican controlled congress exercising zero oversight of Trump’s scandal-ridden rule," he writes.

But the big temptation for House Democrats is the course the Pelosi is obviously taking: looking for a re-run of 2006-8 in which Democrats re-took the House, harped on Cheney-Bush Administration scandals for two years, and Barack Obama was elected President. With some assistance from the beginning of the Great Recession and a stock market panic about a month before the Presidential election.

Meanwhile, on the Presidential front:

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