Thursday, April 27, 2023

Confederate "Heritage" Month 2023, April 27: Again on the American Revolution and abolishing slavery

William Hoagland gives a helpful picture of his approach to looking at the history of the Founders. He refers to the limitations of the Progressive historical tradition associated with Charles Beard. Beard focused broadly on economic issues in his analysis of the Constitution’s creations. But he took a rather cynical, everybody’s-in-it-for-a-buck approach that oversimplified to actual class and political issues involved.

Hoagland sees the dominant liberal historical trends in the 1950s and 1960s that rejected the narrow Beard view as having embraced a kind of throwing-out-the-baby-with-the-bathwater approach that ended up ignoring class and economic issues in favor of an excessjve focus on formal ideology and political philosophy.

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