As Alexander Bolton reports (Democrats back away from quick reversal of Trump tax cuts The Hill 09/15/2020:
But he didn't call voters "suckers" and "losers" for believing the Democrats were serious about their own (nominal) tax policy, so at least there's that.
Democrats are backing away from vows to reverse President Trump’s tax cuts if they take control of the Senate and White House.The most telling paragraph in the story is this: "Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), a prominent Biden ally, laughed out loud when asked what the Democratic plan for tax reform is next year." 8my emphasis)
Senate Democrats had suggested they could move quickly on the issue, but now say they are likely to delay stand-alone tax legislation if Democratic nominee Joe Biden is elected president and their party controls the House and Senate.
Instead, the priority will be on spending to create jobs and raise wages, investments in green technology and infrastructure and a national plan to contain the coronavirus pandemic.
Some of those stimulus and relief bills could include tax incentives for clean energy infrastructure and strengthening the nation’s supply chain and domestic manufacturing base. Tax relief in the form of child tax credits and earned income tax credits for lower- and middle-income families are also on the table.
But potential tax increases on wealthy individuals and corporations are expected to come into play later, depending on how significant the deficit concerns are next year. [my emphasis]
But he didn't call voters "suckers" and "losers" for believing the Democrats were serious about their own (nominal) tax policy, so at least there's that.
One of the favorite legislative scams is to pass "tax incentives" that give corporations more money to buy back their own stock and juice the stock prices and pass that off as "investment".
Extreme economic economy undermines democratic governance, as we see it doing dramatically right now. Unchecked it will eventually destroy the substance of democracy altogether, even is a facade of "illiberal democracy" persists.
The Republicans under Trump have essentially imploded as a democratic political party, leaving them a Fidesz-style authoritarian party on the model of today's Hungary.
But if the Democrats can't address the current depression and radical maldistribution of wealth with more than requiring the wealthiest to pay even lower taxes, along with the major crisis in democratic governance represented by the Citizens United campaign-financing system, the nationwide crisis in policing (i.e., cops killing black people for no good reason), and the impunity they also run a real risk of imploding as a functional opposition party at the national level even while they are relegated to permanent minority status nationally.
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