- Venezuela, Mississippi and Blogs 10/20/2003
- Regime Change in Latin America 03/01/2004
- Venezuela: How does this make the US safer from terrorism? 03/14/2004
- Venezuela and the Bush world order 08/24/2004
- Pat Robertson lovingly recommends assassination 08/23/2005
- Iberoamerican Summit 10/15/2005
- In search of monsters to destroy 11/07/2005
- Venezuela, Nicaragua and the US 05/06/2006
- More "regime change" in Venezuela? 05/24/2006
- Venezuela 09/25/2006
- ¿Espías venezolanas en la Casa Blanca estadounidense? 10/03/2006
- More on Chávez and the King 11/12/2007
- Well, that didn't take long 12/14/2007
- Confrontation Colombia-Venezuela-Ecuador 03/02/2008
- Colombia, Ecuador and sovereignty 03/05/2008
- What a concept - diplomacy to solve a military crisis! 03/07/2008
- South American solidarity with Bolivia 09/12/2008
- Bolivian developments 09/14/2008
- Bolivia and other points south of the border 09/15/2008
- UNASUR and Bolivia 09/16/2008
- Axes of paranoia? 04/20/2009
- The coup in Honduras 07/01/2009
- Don't we have enough foreign policy headaches already without creating new ones? 07/20/2009
- Judith Miller: the haunting 08/03/2009
- Addicted to war and convinced dictators are our best friends 10/10/2009
- Manuel Zelaya returns to Honduras intending to challenge the post-coup regime 05/31/2011
- "State capitalism" (3 of 8): state-owned oil companies 02/15/2012
- Hugo Chávez 03/10/2013
- New President in Paraguay 04/26/2013
- The US and the Venezuelan election 05/31/2013
- Venezuelan actress Mónica Spear's murder becomes a national political shock 01/11/2014
- Violence in Venezuela 02/17/2014
- Cenk Uygur on Venezuela 02/21/2014
- Destablization in Venezuela and the accusation of a US role 02/21/2014
- Venezuela through the fog of, uh, journalism 02/22/2014
- Two videos on Venezuela's political and economic situation 02/23/2014
- A cultural news editor wants us to know what contempt he has for anyone not cheering for the far-right Venezuelan opposition 02/24/2014
- Politics of Venezuelan unrest 02/25/2014
- The US and Latin America, a long and often unpleasant story 03/12/2014
- The OAS, the US Cuban Right and the crisis in Venezuela 03/24/2014
- Ukraine/Crimea crisis 03/24/2014
- Coup attempt in Venezuela? 03/25/2014
- More on the escalating tensions in Venezuela 03/25/2014
- The OAS, the US Cuban Right and the crisis in Venezuela 03/25/2014
- Soft coups and the protests in Venezuela 04/01/2014
- Political talks in Venezuela sponsored by UNASUR 04/08/2014
- Venezuela through the fog of lazy (or worse!) conventional wisdom 05/04/2014
- Oil and democracy in Venezuela and US policy in Latin America 05/05/2014
- Oil, Europe, Ukraine and Venezuela 05/07/2014
- US sanctions against Venezuela? 05/09/2014
- Political talks in Venezuela sponsored by UNASUR 04/08/2014
- Venezuela and Ukraine and the US 04/10/2014
- Venezuela and Ukraine 04/12/2014
- Kidnapped Venezuelan journalist released unharmed 04/14/2014
- Venezuela and the US 04/17/2014
- Background reports on Venezuela from "The Real News" 04/15/2014
- Venezuela through the lens of the PBS Newshour 04/20/2014
- Images of revolt 04/26/2014
- Venezuela through the fog of lazy (or worse!) conventional wisdom 05/04/2014
- Oil and democracy in Venezuela and US policy in Latin America 05/05/2014
- US sanctions against Venezuela? 05/09/2014
- Venezuela's current problems 05/14/2014
- Venezuela and Human Rights Watch 05/14/2014
- Gene Sharp and "regime change" in countries unfriendly to the US 06/12/2014
- The US and Latin America 09/04/2014
- The Venezuelan Church and the current crisis 04/03/2014
- Oil glut and falling prices 11/28/2014
- Sanctions against Venezuela 12/26/2014
- Chinese-Latin American cooperation 01/11/2015
- Caracas Mayor arrested on charge of promoting a coup against the Venezuela government 02/20/2015
- Obama declares a state of emergency over ... Venezuela?!? 03/09/2015
- Venezuela "emergency" 03/10/2015
- Ignacio Ramonet on escalating US political pressure on Venezuela 03/14/2015
- A new - and more than dubious - charge against Argentina over Venezuela and Iran 03/15/2015
- Venezuela "emergency" 10/03/2015
- Some Latin American news slips into the US mainstream 05/31/2015
- Cuba, Venezuela and the US 06/14/2015
- Venezuelan election tomorrow 12/05/2015
- More on the international pressure on Venezuela's government 12/05/2015
- Ignacio Ramonet on escalating US political pressure on Venezuela 03/14/2015
- A new - and more than dubious - charge against Argentina over Venezuela and Iran 03/15/2015
- Venezuela and the Obama Administration's retrograde Latin America policies 03/24/2015
- Trumpism and Latin America 02/08/2016
- The art of the "soft coup": Why funny business in small Latin American countries can turn out to matter - a lot 04/12/2016
- The soft coup in Brazil and the so-called Pink Tide governments 05/14/2016
- News links: Latin America 05/16/2016
- Speculating (politically) on the woes of petrostates 05/28/2016
- Enduring Cold War in Latin America 05/30/2016
- Venezuela, oil and regime change 05/31/2016
- Venezuela, crisis, US hostility, regime change efforts 06/04/2016
- Venezuelan crisis 03/09/2017
- Venezuelan crisis and the country's petrostate status 05/17/2017
- More on the Venezuelan crisis 05/18/2017
- Venezuela, the OAS and the current crisis 05/19/2017
- Venezuelan oil 06/18/2017
- Venezuelan tensions continue with a dramatic turn on Wednesday 07/05/2017
- State Department Issues Statement on Venezuelan incident Wednesday 07/06/2017
- "Zero hour" in the Venezuelan crisis? 07/27/2017
- Venezuela and the US after Sunday 08/01/2017
- Colombia, Venezuela and US policy 08/20/2017
- Venezuelan elections 10/18/2017
- October Revolution: Lenin, the Bolsheviks and the Constituent Assembly 10/30/2017
- Venezuela's Petro: Really cryptocurrency? Or too real to be crypto? Or not currency enough to be currency? 01/14/2018
- Trolling liberals for not mongering enough war against Venezuela 02/20/2018
- Haiti: A trial run for Venezuela? 03/06/2018
- Venezuela's latest election and regime change threats 05/22/2018
- A few reactions to Donald Trump's speech to the UN General Assembly 09/27/2018
- What does a democracy under internal threat look like? 10/16/2018
- Coup attempt in Venezuela, backed by the Trump-Pence Administration 01/24/2019
Friday, January 25, 2019
Venezuela posts 2003-2018
Given the dramatic escalation of US regime change efforts in Venezuela, I went back to 2003, the Paleolithic Era of blogging, and made the following chronigical list of links of blog posts I've done on Venezuela or closely related matters.
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